Theme of this Website
This website is dedicated to the proposition that through social innovation/entrepreneurship, and cooperative, courageous effort we can not only preserve a decent, meaningful, lifestyle for our descendants but allow them to evolve to a higher, more authentic and creative stage of life.
Social evolution usually takes long periods of time.
We don’t have that kind of time. If we pursue our present course (we being Western society and western influenced societies) we will exhaust the carrying capacity of this planet for human beings within this century.
Leadership that will reform our organizations, institutions, and our economic system is needed to replace this disastrous scenario with one highlighted by sustainable and equitable growth.
Sustainability and resilience do not just relate to the environment and the green agenda. In a transformational era sustainability and resilience are goals relating to the positive evolution of society. We are in a period that is a prelude to, if not the beginning, of one of chaos. We can either make the evolutionary leap to a new stable paradigm or we can do nothing which will lead to increased chaos and societal breakdown.
The modality that can achieve sustainability is applied social innovation (social entrepreneurship) and its adjuncts, social enterprise, culturally appropriate technology, and transformational leadership. In a nutshell, using the power of enlightened leadership, financial and social capital, and technology to promote a humanistic rather than a corporatist ethic. But even before we`look at applying the power of social innovation we need to do something simpler.
We need to talk with one another. To turn off the TV’s, DVD’s, home theatres, ballgames, computer games, CD’s, et al and just talk. About how we can help, and support, and cooperate, and solve our problems together instead of just ignoring them until it is too late. We need dialog and collaboration as well as competition.
Then we must realize this great fact. Anyone and everyone can be a social innovator and social entrepreneur!
If you are a teacher, teach about sustainability and resilience in your classes. If you are a designer design sustainable products or products that help the developing world (see Redesigning page), If you are a finance person, quit the hedge fund! Start a social enterprise investment fund! If you work for government stand up and push for conservation, recycling, mass transit etc.
The culture of acquisition and “meism” is a selfish and addictive one. Our way of life should not be based on ever increasing consumption. A culture of cooperation opens the heart and ultimately is a more satisfying one. It is also the culture that will allow the world to go on and provide a decent, satisfying life for your children and their children.
I leave it to you, the reader, to explore this website and hopefully find other ideas or examples that will interest you, or better yet stir you to some sort of positive action. Please feel free to contact me with your feedback at any time at
Mark Pomerantz
2101 S. Ocean Dr., #1002
Hollywood, FL 33019
(206) 354-3052