Rebalancing 2017-12-17T14:00:29+00:00


• We commit ourselves to work together to recreate our society so that the freedom and dignity of every human being is central to life.
• We acknowledge our responsibility for our own actions, both individual and collective, and their impact on all the people of the world and the natural environment.
• We join together to create new more humanistic organizational forms, values based businesses and values based governments.
• We recognize the need for social change and help implement that change by developing personal and organizational power to change the political process, fight injustice, poverty and homelessness, and promote and strengthen the community.
• We use the technologies of the scientist and the business entrepreneur, and the power of the communications media, to promote a joyful ethic of equity, compassion, openness, and sharing.
• We acknowledge that we are part of a living spiritual universe and that we are the responsible stewards of that universe.
• We reconcile the multiple world-views of our time into an approach based on love, creativity, tolerance, and efficiency.

THE GOALS OF THE WORLDSHAPERS MANIFESTO (What We Promote and Want to Achieve!)

 Supporting, Strengthening, and Reforming the Nonprofit Service Sector as a More Effective, More Collaborative, and More Entrepreneurial Force
 Supporting and Creating New Organizations Based on Collaboration as Much as Command
 Creating Organizations That Are Non-Rankist, Non-Sexist, Non-Racist, Have Free Flow of Information, Interactive, and Equitable
 Development of Successful Mission-Based Businesses that Provide Poor, Disabled, and/or Homeless People With The Means To Lift Themselves Out Of Poverty
 Teaching Youth Individual Responsibility And Flexibility in Responding To Changing Individual Circumstances
 Development of Effective Life-Enhancing Public-Private Partnerships

 Reforming Campaign Financing
 Supporting Lean, Efficient, and Compassionate Government
 Development of Meaningful Public-Private Partnerships Involving Government
 Making Government a Supportive Partner with Non-Profit Organizations
 Renewing Social and Capital Infrastructure
 Development of Entrepreneurial Programs Stressing Hard Work, Individual Responsibility, Cost-Effectiveness, and Effective Outcomes that Provide Living Wage Jobs while Renewing National Infrastructure
 Providing Incentives, Regulations, and Penalties to Foster Corporate Responsibility, Regulate Environmental Pollution, and Discourage the Despoiling of the Commons
 Promoting And Subsidizing The Development Of New Small Businesses And Micro-businesses
 Promoting Energy Self-Sufficiency
 Creating a Social Entrepreneurship Corps
 Providing for the Universal Health Care of the Populace
 Ending Homelessness Through Fiscal Policies and Programs that Encourage the Development of Affordable Housing, Encourage Microentrepreneurship, Subsidize Supported Employment and Housing Programs, and Improve the Mental and Public Health Systems

 Supporting More Decentralized and Representative Government Bodies
 Promoting World Parliament to Make Decisions Central to the Community of Nations
 Outlawing the Destruction of National Economies by Financial Speculators
 Creating a World Fair Trade Organization to Promote and Develop Fair Trade Agreements and Products
 Reform of World Bank and IMF Policies to Protect the Interests of Poor Nations

 Putting Technology in the Service of Humanity Not to Control Humanity
 Designing and Developing Low-Tech, Low Capital Intensive Solutions to the Problems of the Developing World, e.g., potable water, health, transport, energy etc.

 Promoting the Triple Bottom Line— Organizations that Fulfill the Mission and/or Make Money, Help the Community, and Preserve the Environment
 Promoting Support for Local Economies—Preserve Local Businesses and Create Living Wage Jobs in Our Communities
 Creating A Contract between Generations—Preserve Nature For Our Grandkids
 Keeping Consumption Within Regenerative Capacities Of The Ecosystems
 Instituting Taxation Of Energy And Raw Material Consumption
 Creating Universal Access to Capital for Local and Regional Development
 Reducing Dependency on Petroleum by Promoting:
• Conservation
• Mass Transit
• Carpooling and Carsharing
• Walking and Bicycling
• Recycling
• Non-Polluting Alternative Energy Technologies
• Bio-dynamic and Organic Farming
• Tele-Commuting
• Live-Work Housing
• In-Fill Housing Located Near Employment Centers.
 Promoting Equitable Land Reform and Distribution

 Promoting International and Intercultural Exchanges of People, Technology, And Data
 Making Public Education Entrepreneurial and Outcome Based
 Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship—Teaching Youth How to Recognize Opportunity, Responsibility, Self-Sufficiency, and Flexibility
 Promoting the Arts—Instituting a Love of Nature, Humanity, and Beauty In Our Youth
 Promoting Technology as a Force for Social Change Not As An Escape From Reality
 Promoting Diversity and Tolerance as A Learning Experience
 Creating a new Fusion between Liberal Arts, Technology/Design and Entrepreneurship/Business
 Creating Interdisciplinary Learning Communities for College Students who wish to be Community Change Agents

Mark Pomerantz
Social Profits